Happy New Year?

The middle of March seems a bit late to be saying that but I realise that I haven’t posted on this poor blog at all in 2017, however, here I am to catch you all up on what is happening in my Guiding journey. Brownies returned in January and once again our numbers are fluctuating. We were at 12 and slowly growing but a girl has just left so we’re down to 11 with two other girls turning ten before the year is out, which runs the risk of going down to single figures if we don’t gain any, which is sad for our pack. However, let’s not focus on the negatives.

In the almost a term that has passed we have had a number of exciting activities, a couple of which will have their own posts but I just wanted to make a general post to say hello to any guiders or anyone at all who’s still following me on here.

One quick exciting bit of news is that I have finally got my leadership qualification badge, so now everyone can see I am a qualified leader.

Welcome to 2017 Guiders, onwards.

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